Main plant equipment configuration (2)

The following figure shows a two-stage grinding and grading unit with two rows of horizontally arranged flotation machines arranged longitudinally in two adjacent spans. Due to the large number of chemical addition points, the number of flotation machines is large. In order to facilitate the addition and management of the medicament, a 9m inter-span is placed between the grinding and flotation, and the administration and preparation equipment are placed on the upper floor to ensure the self-flow of the medicament. At the location, the lower level is equipped with a mine pump and pump pool. In order to strengthen the operation of the equipment, it is installed with convenient lifting equipment.


Third, magnetic separation inter-device configuration
Our magnets are mostly wet ore sorting, flow returns to point less, substantially open, larger water volume, pulp density, may require a system with two or more devices with the same specifications of a job separator. Wet magnetic separation inter-span equipment configuration can be basically divided into two categories: one is self-flowing, used for open-circuit process, steeper slope) slope 15%~23%) topography, equipment is removed according to the sorting operation along the slope line The high-low is a single-layer stepped arrangement; the other is semi-self-flowing, the slurry delivery is completed by the combination of self-flow and rubber pump lifting, and the equipment configuration is multi-layered, due to the weight of the magnetic separator, dewatering tank, fine screen, etc. It is lighter, has less vibration force and smaller body. It is arranged on the upper floor in the order of flow, and the pump and pump unit are placed on the lower floor. For a certain amount of weak magnetic mineral ore, due to the fine grain size, the number of grinding sections is also large. The selection process has a combined process of magnetic-heavy, floating-magnetic, etc., and the equipment configuration should be based on magnetic separation, re-election and floating. Select the requirements and precautions for device configuration.
The dry magnetic separation span can be configured by multi-layer equipment, and the equipment should be arranged according to the sequence of process operations. The feed and discharge feeder should adopt a sealed funnel, and there should be a perfect and effective dust collection system.
1. Wet magnetic separation inter-device configuration should pay attention to the problem (1) try to avoid the main ore flow pump lift, unless the grinding-grading overflow pump is upgraded to the multi-layer configuration of the magnetic separation span, the highest to the process requirements The slurry after the point should maximize its self-flow to each operation to prevent repeated lifting.
(2) Due to the large capacity of the mill, the same sorting operation requires multiple units of the same type to be completed. It should ensure that the slurry is evenly distributed. The height difference loss required for the slurry distributor and the gravity gradient should be fully considered during the configuration. The flow rate of the flow cell and pipeline commonly used in the magnetic separation plant is shown in the following table.
(3) The number of magnetic separation equipment used in large-scale magnetic separation plants is large, there are many slurry pipelines and water pipelines, and there are many tailings pipes and water supply pipes with large diameters. When the equipment is in multiple layers, the pipelines should be concentrated. In a separate floor between magnetic separations, this floor is lower than the magnetic separation equipment floor, higher than the pump and pump floor to facilitate operation, maintenance, overhaul and work environment protection. [next]


Double Deep Racking

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