What is the principle of how to choose the location of the dump?
Answer: 1. Whenever possible, use the inner row as much as possible; 2. Do not occupy fertile land, use less cultivated land, try to use hillsides, valleys and wasteland, and try to avoid the relocation of villages; 3. Without affecting the construction of the mine, arrange as close as possible to the stope to shorten the transport distance of the rock; 4. In order to prevent crushing, the dumping site should be selected in the lower direction of the ore body. If the ore body is in a reliable condition, it can also be placed outside the mining limit of the upper or the end of the ore body; 5. According to the topography, mining level elevation, dumping and Other factors for comprehensive analysis, selected concentrated or scattered in the dumping site; 6. Must master the engineering geological and hydrogeological data of the dump site; 7. The dumping site should be located in the downwind side of the dominant wind in the residential area, away from the domestic water source and in the downstream of the living water source; 8. If the waste rock contains mineral components, it should be stored separately according to the mineral composition and grade, so as to facilitate the secondary recovery in the future; 9. The choice of the dump site should consider the possibility of reclamation and formulate a reclamation plan. Auto Switches,Switches For Auto,Automotive Switches Manufacturers And Suppliers,Auto Ac Switches NINGBO BOWENTE AUTO PARTS CO., LTD , https://www.autorefrigerationparts.com