Category: 202104
Cangzhou road construction sprinkler car touch screen technology to fill the gap

The touch-type display technology adopted by the intelligent asphalt spreader…

Jilin Petrochemical catalyst mechanical loading efficiency

For the first time, Jilin Petrochemical Ethylene Glycol Plant adopts the domestic advanced Bei…

Dynamic Balance Valve and Its Application in HVAC Engineering

With the rapid development of our country's national economy, the construction scale of cit…

Fine Chemicals and New Materials: Optimizing Structure and Increasing Total Quantity

First, the traditional fine chemical industry includes pesticides, dyes and coatings. Its outp…

Corrosion Protection of Metal and Plastic Valves (

Valve corrosion, usually understood as the valve metal material under the chemical or electroch…

Performance characteristics of aseptic plastic bag filling equipment

At present, the common milk packaging on the market mainly includes: Tet…

Significant progress in the construction technology of large LNG carriers in China

To adapt to the development trend of heavy-duty heavy-duty vehicles and successfully develop and use pull-type clutches

Recently, Chongqing Tiema Motor Co., Ltd. successfully completed the matching installatio…

Development Direction of Seven Major Products of China's Iron and Steel Industry

First, the direction of development of plate production The major problem currently exist…

This year's Auto Show is quite historical. Where does the Hebei auto industry go?

This is a gathering of auto giants. The expensive premium sedans and beautiful cars are m…

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